The end of January was booked for the visit to the University of Genoa including meetings and planning of SSST and UniGe teams. EDIRE team members Jasminka Hasić Telalović, Jasmina Bajramović-Malić, and Amina Katica were part of this visit.
Our coordinator, Jasminka Hasić Telalović had a meeting with members of the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering. Meeting people who work in applied computer science and engineering and visiting laboratories related to robotics and automation was an honor. Also, we had the opportunity to hear more about the activities of UniGe in the biomedical domain. We had great discussions regarding the several possibilities to cooperate: Erasmus agreements/exchanges, joint/double degrees, and Ph.D. in robotics.

Genoa University has substantial experience with research processes and project activities that can greatly enhance SSST’s work and help the EIDRE project to be organized and implemented more efficiently. Collaborating with colleagues is the best way to improve the quality of work. This meeting brought together the Office for Research and Project Administration from SSST and the Research and Grants Office at UniGe. The SSST team, Jasmina Bajramović-Malić, and Amina Katica met with their colleagues from Genoa University, who gave them an overview of the office operation. It has been agreed to cooperate on all aspects of the EIDRE project and potential future projects in a mutually beneficial way.

The meeting between the EDIRE project team and the member of the Advisory board, Lyuba Spasova, was organized in Genoa. In addition to being a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Lyuba Spasova is also an experienced researcher and project coordinator. This meeting involved information sharing, as well as brainstorming, and brought up many ideas for the implementation and organization of project activities.