The Technological University Dublin, October 2023
The third Consortium meeting of the EDIRE project, hosted by TU Dublin on October 16th, was a gathering that brought together partners from different institutions, including TU Dublin, the University of Genoa, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, University Complutense Madrid, and University Reims. This collaborative meeting provided an invaluable platform for partners to discuss and plan upcoming activities.

Among the key topics in focus were the planning of new activities, including summer school, staff exchanges, and various other project-related initiatives. The meeting fostered meaningful discussions and strategic planning to ensure that these activities align with the project’s objectives, ensuring its success.

The EDIRE project team is excited about the path ahead and is preparing a range of activities that promise to make a substantial impact in the field. Stay tuned for updates and further developments, as we continue to work toward advancing the goals and outcomes of the project.