EDIRE project partners from TU Dublin and the Complutense University of Madrid recently visited the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) for a series of meetings, lectures, and project activities. The visit involved Olga Kolotouchkina, Liisa Irene Hänninen, and Patricia Nez Gómez from UCM, as well as Caitriona Delaney from TU Dublin.

During the visit, the EDIRE team conducted valuable meetings that laid the foundation for future collaboration activities and the advancement of EDI initiatives. The focus was on planning upcoming events such as training, summer schools, and various tasks that will help strengthen SSST’s research capacity, especially in the area of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

In addition to the meetings, the TU Dublin and UCM partners conducted focus groups with SSST staff to gather important data necessary for the success of future activities. These meetings were very productive and will undoubtedly help to further enhance SSST’s research profile and improve their capacity to address EDI issues.