RRI, gender and intersectionality with Carla Maria Reale
December 21st
10.00 AM
Registration link: https://forms.gle/VEwBnR3YDbgnsDp16
Training type:
RRI principles, especially for what concerns Open Science, ethics and gender and diversity issues in research (this training will be inspired by the FoTRRIS H2020 (UCM)
Training Description:
1 hour workshop to discuss the understand how gender impacts research and what it means to apply an intersectional lens. The goal is to create between participants a common understanding on gender, gender-related terminology and intersectionality and discuss the importance of these issue in responsible research and innovation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 6752 3692
🇪🇺This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe program for widening participation and spreading excellence under Grant Agreement number 101060145