Awareness: The Missing Link in EDI and  The What, Why and How of Using Narratives in Intersectional Research

We are pleased to invite you to the EDIRE training: Awareness: The Missing Link in EDI and  The What, Why and How of Using Narratives in Intersectional Research taking place on:

March 14th, 2024, at 03.00 PM via Zoom. 

This seminar highlights the crucial role of awareness in advancing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in academia. While policies and initiatives are in place, true change requires a shift in mindset. By challenging biases and systemic barriers, awareness becomes the key driver of inclusive transformation.

In this seminar we will explore three styles of narrative interviewing (classic, composite and novel) with recourse to examples from empirical research. This seminar aims to provide insights into how and why narratives are a useful tool to illuminate intersectionality in the ‘real world’. While also, demonstrating that narratives are a rigorous method.

Lecturers: Sofiane Mahi and Caitriona Delaney


🇪🇺The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe program for widening participation and spreading excellence under Grant Agreement number 101060145.